ACO REACH Coalition
Staff Coordinator: Valinda Rutledge, Executive Vice President of Advocacy and Education
This special coalition is for current and potential ACO REACH participants and is an opportunity to exchange information, share best practices, and collaborate on advocacy opportunities that will strengthen your experience under ACO REACH.
Kidney Care Choices Coalition
Staff Coordinator: Valinda Rutledge, Executive Vice President of Advocacy and Education
This special coalition is for APG nephrology member groups that are currently participating in the CMS Innovation Center Kidney Care Choices (KCC) Model Global or Professional track which assumes risk for the total cost of care. This coalition provides members an opportunity to exchange information and share best practices to manage care better for patients with stages 4 or 5 chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease, delay the onset of dialysis, and conduct transplants.
Medicaid and Dual Eligibles Coalition
Staff Coordinator: Susan Dentzer, MS, President and CEO
This coalition will explore issues common to Medicaid managed care programs and their provider-partners across the nation, and advocate at the federal level on behalf of members’ concerns. There will be a special focus on dual-eligible populations and the coordination of care across the Medicaid and Medicare programs. The coalition will cross-link to the California Policy Committee and its consideration of issues affecting the Medi-Cal program in that state.
Medicare Advantage Coalition
Staff Coordinator: Jennifer Podulka, Senior Vice President of Federal Policy
This special coalition is for current and potential Medicare Advantage participants and is an opportunity to exchange information, share best practices, and collaborate on advocacy opportunities that will strengthen your experience under Medicare Advantage.
MSSP Coalition
Staff Coordinator: Valinda Rutledge, Executive Vice President of Advocacy and Education
This coalition is dedicated to accelerating the value movement and developing the next iteration of Advanced Alternative Payment Models (Advanced APMs). APG and MSSP Coalition members are committed to the proliferation of accountable care that better utilizes resources through the delivery of high-quality, coordinated health care services to patients and communities.
The coalition offers physician groups engaged in two-sided risk models an opportunity to improve their performance in their current programs and influence the development of new models. The coalition will support APG members and focus on the dual purpose of improving current risk-based models and helping develop and prepare APG members for new models to come.