America’s Physician Groups (APG) provides this website as a service to its members and to the public. While APG makes an effort to provide only accurate information it cannot insure that all information is accurate. It is APG’s policy to comply with all State and Federal regulation concerning the matters address on this website and takes steps to do so. If any information is deemed to be in violation of such regulations, or is inaccurate, please immediately contact APG. At various sites within this website participants are encouraged to share their views and information of general interest to the community that APG serves, the information on such sites is not checked or verified by APG for accuracy or compliance with regulations and APG takes no responsibility for such information unless it has been informed that it is inaccurate or in violation of a law or regulation. Anyone posting material known to be inaccurate or in violation of law or regulation will be banned from contributing to the website again.