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APG Releases 2018 Standards of Excellence™ Survey Results
APG Recognizes Leaders in Risk-Based Coordinated Care as Part of 2018 Standards of Excellence Survey
APG Responds to Release of CMS Medicare Shared Savings Program Proposed Rule
Yesterday, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed significant changes to the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP). Overall, APG consider…
Dr. Kurt Ransohoff, CEO of Sansum Clinic and APG Board Chair, testified before the Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee
Dr. Kurt Ransohoff, CEO of Sansum Clinic and APG Board Chair, testified before the Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee at a hearing on Thursday, July 26 enti…
APG Welcomes Valinda Rutledge as VP of Federal Affairs
America’s Physician Groups Welcomes Valinda Rutledge as Vice President of Federal Affairs
APG Applauds Appointment of Adam Boehler to Value-Based Transformation Advisor
Adam Boehler to Serve as Senior Advisor for Value-Based Transformation and Innovation
America’s Physician Groups Responds to CMS Physician Fee Schedule and Quality Payment Program Proposed Rules
America’s Physician Groups Responds to CMS Physician Fee Schedule and Quality Payment Program Proposed Rules