Latest Public Comment Letters
APG Comments to Congressional RFI on Improving Coverage for Dual Eligibles
Removing existing barriers to coordination of care, aligning enrollment, and providing incentives to integrate care will lead to improved health outcomes and q…
APG Response to National Provider Directory RFI
Providing accurate descriptive information about all providers, such as their ability to accept new patients, participation in various health plans, and langua…
Sign-on Letter in Support of Extending Medicare AAPM Incentive Payments
In recognition of our commitment to advancing Medicare’s transition to value-based care, we urge you to include Section 4 of the Value in Health Care Act (H.R.…
APG Comments to CMS on 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and MSSP Requirements
APG supports the agency’s continued efforts to improve both traditional Medicare and the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) and offers specific recommendat…
APG Response to CMS on Medicare Advantage Request for Information
We applaud the agency’s commitment to ensuring that Medicare Advantage evolves in ways that reflect its rapid growth, changing demographics, unique payment str…
Comment Letter on 2023 Policy and Technical Changes to Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Programs
MA is instrumental to the transformation of our nation’s health care system from volume to value.